Dette er et lite islagt vann, om sommeren er det riktig idyllisk her .En del av lysløypen som går rundt vannet her.
Gapahuk / Grill-sted:
Inne i denne gapahuken er det laget bålplass og sitteplass for de som ønker og kose seg ved bålet, ta en kaffekopp, grille litt pølser eller spise mat pakken sin.
More beautiful winter landscapes.
SvarSlettthank you for sharing.
Those are so gorgeous!!!
SvarSlettStilige bilder. Flott med de lange skyggene.
SvarSlettBeautiful pictures with nice light,
SvarSlettalso your new head photo is great.
greetings, Joop
Light in Norway is so special. I love winter and it would be so much fun to have a cup of coffee there while enjoying the gorgeous scenery.--Inger
SvarSlettWonderful photos!They are very beautiful!
Silence in a photograph but mindful...
SvarSlettHärliga bilder Nordis, Kan tänka mig att det är fint här även sommartid!
SvarSlettHa en go helg/Lasse
Naturedigital - texwisgirl - Hilda R.B - Joop Zand - Canyon girl - Amin - Wong Zing
Thanks to everyone for your nice comments. Have a great weekend.
breathtaking! - absolutely breathtaking!
So beautiful, so romantic place and photos !!!
SvarSlettHave a nice weekend!
Superb photography, Nordis! I especially like the first couple of photos where the snow remains pristine and untrampled.
SvarSlettThanks for stopping by Florida Fotos. Yes, the weather is much different here...85 degrees F with bright sunshine. I like.
Very beautiful. Do show us the same place in summer.
SvarSlettnora chou - magda - Jacob and Lois Anne - Linda.
SvarSlettLinda you are right, I have shown these pictures last summer.
Thanks for your nice comments. Greetings Nordis.